the natural remedies we use when our baby is under the weather

seeing your baby under the weather is no fun 🥺 foster had her first cold (in the midst of cutting two top teeth 🤪) around 8 months old & has had a few since then! i want to share what helped us tremendously. all of these products helped boost her immune system as well as ease the discomfort she was feeling!

we totally believe in modern medicine but also - we always reach for natural remedies first because time & time again they’ve proven gentler on the body AND super effective.

scroll on to see the products we use when she’s sniffly! everything is linked at the bottom of the post.

list of things from left to right:

1️⃣ @boironusa cold calm. i love this homeopathic company! these taste like water—she loves them! i hand it to her & then squeeze it into her mouth. (for 6 months & up!)

2️⃣ @wellements herbal cough syrup (day & night version). comes with the syringe! we did 2 doses of the daytime & 1 of the nighttime syrup right before bed, but obviously just follow the dosage instructions for your kiddo’s age. from their site: Made with organic wild cherry bark, slippery elm, and agave, our soothing syrup calms dry throats and helps clear mucus from nighttime coughing. Helps promote a peaceful night's sleep!

3️⃣ boogie saline mist spritzed in her nostrils a couple times a day & then @fridababy nose sucker. she hated both of these 🤪 but they helped a ton with congestion!

4️⃣ @maryruthorganics vitamin C once a day (orange vanilla flavored 🍊) + their infant probiotic twice a day, bc gut health is essential for immune health 👌🏼

5️⃣ @hylandshealth teething tablets. 2 tablets dissolved in her mouth a few times a day!

6️⃣ copaiba oil directly on her gums & her jawline! works wondersssss 🦷

7️⃣ diluted frankincense oil dabbed on bottoms of her feet for immune support. cedarwood on sinuses to break up the gunk. lavender on feet, spine & back of neck for deeper sleep. tummygize massaged into tummy in a clockwise motion to ease her stomach!

8️⃣ speckled sippy cup with filtered water to stay hydrated 💦

9️⃣ eucalyptus oil in the top compartment of a steam humidifier while we slept! (the humidifier came with a little compartment to add essential oils to!) a friend recommended a warm mist one because it’s even more soothing & i’m so glad i went that route.

🔟 lots of nursing, snuggles & naps-on-mom 😴 💕

i hope this is helpful for your sweet little ones!