10 arch mirrors i love

been kinda obsessed with arch mirrors lately. i know, i know…everyone is so just add me to the list lol

the other night i went down a midnight rabbit hole in search of the cutest, most affordable neutral arch mirrors out there! here are the fruits of my labor:


01. rattan + caning + hooks? yassss. WELL DONE TARGET! i just ordered this one online & i’m going to put it in our hallway that needs some love.

02. again, rattan! love how it can easily rest up against a wall!

03. target does it again with this one - sooo affordable! & a dece size too! i bought this one to go in our bathroom because the current one cringes my soul.

04. i looove the wood frame on this one!

05. this would look so cute in an entryway!

06. i’ve posted a couple stories about this west elm one. it’s HUGE & glorious & everything i dreamed of haha i know that sounds dramatic but truly i wanted it for so long & while it’s an investment…it’s sooo worth it!

07. ok this urban outfitters mirror gives me some retro vibes & i’m into it!

08. similar to the west elm one, just a little less rounded on top, from CB2. they have a brass & wood option!

09. k this one is sooo cute!!!

10. i looove this wooden one. we currently have it in our living room!

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