5 tips to stay well this season

all my life, i’ve had this yearly tradition of getting ridiculously sick right before thanksgiving every year. a few years ago i got tired of the dreaded november sickness & started to get super proactive about immune support (all year round but ESPECIALLY leading up to winter/fall!)

here are my 5 best tips to stay well this fall:


1 // get enough rest
i’m a 7-8 hours of sleep a night kinda-girl. i’ve found an avg of 8 hours is my sweet spot where i don’t feel over-tired or over-slept! sooo many studies show that getting good sleep helps strengthen your immune system! everybody’s sleep needs vary but i encourage you to figure out your own sleep sweet spot + ideal wake up time, & then work backwards to decide your bedtime!

example: i like to wake up by 6:30am, & prefer 8 hours sleep/night, so that puts me at a 10:30pm bed time!

at 9pm, i start winding down. this is when i put my phone away, tidy up the house, & get ready for bed! usually i drink magnesium or chamomile tea before bed. & i charge my phone in the kitchen & use a good ole alarm clock to wake up!

watch my mindful morning routine here.


2 // elderberry syrup

what is elderberry syrup & why do you keep hearing about it?

elderberry syrup is a veryyyy popular way to naturally support your immune system! i get mine from my favorite company The Elderberry Co! not all elderberry syrup is the SAME - many store-bought ones contain glucose syrup and other additives, where as The Elderberry Co is made with all organic ingredients: elderberries, aronia berries, raw local honey, ginger, ceylon cinnamon & clove. they don't add preservatives to & their syrup comes out to roughly 1/2 of the cost of store-bought elderberry syrup!

IT. TASTES. SO. GOOD. i have continued to take it through out pregnancy!

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here are some FAQ from their website:


We always recommend to talk with your physician and do your own research when it comes to using elderberry. Some of our customers take it year-round, others take it only when they are seeking to support their immune system. An adult serving is approximately one tablespoon and a child serving is approximately one teaspoon. You can take elderberry once a day or up to three times daily if needed.


When it comes to pregnancy there is not a ton of studies done on it. We have tons of pregnant/ breastfeeding mommas who use our Elderberry Syrup though! We do believe it is safe for both! We always recommend checking with your physician and making the decision that makes you most comfortable.


Usage for adults: 1 Tbsp.
Usage for children over the age of One: 1 tsp.
Take once daily, or up to 3x daily to support your immune system.
MADE WITH HONEY so it’s not safe for children under 1.

i am SO excited to be hosting a giveaway with them over the weekend for over $100 in products:  32 oz Jar of Elderberry Syrup, an Easy No-Mess Pour Spout Lid, our Elderberry Wellness Tea, Vanilla Infused Honey (it’s sooo delish), Tote Bag, & Stainless Steel Tea Steeper!

check my stories for how to enter!

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3 // diffuse essential oils

we have oils diffusing all day every day in our house! it makes our home smell sooo fresh AND helps cleanse the air. so many scientific studies demonstrate that diffusion of essential oils can purify and cleanse the air, providing added protection.

lavender, eucalyptus, thieves, frankincense, & breathe again are a few of my immune boosting favorites to diffuse & apply!

i have a whole wellness instagram where i share about all things oils + natural living if you’re not following along yet!

4 // exercise (outside!)

regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system & help your body ward off sickness! i personally aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity, three days a week. i was doing more pre-pregnancy but i’ve slowed down a bit lol

exercise does wondersss for my mental health too! & being cooped up in the house more during the colder months can take a toll on me, so i’ll take alllll the happy vibes i can get! i’m a firm believer that mental health + physical health are very intertwined.

pro tip: exercise outside if you can! being outdoors helps increase vitamin D which is great for staying well!

5 // eat whole foods (especially fermented ones!)

focus on eating lots of veggies & fruits, healthy fats, & consume bone broth + fermented foods! eating whole foods will flood your body with good nutrients! some of the best foods to support the immune system are those high in antioxidants, which protect our bodies from cell damage & too much inflammation!

to make this simple: eat the rainbow! aim to eat lots of colorful whole foods at every meal!

alright fam — i hope these tips inspired you to get into some new rhythms of wellness this season!


disclaimer: this blog post is not intended to provide medical diagnosis, advice or treatment & is for educational purposes only!

a sincere thank-you to The Elderberry Co. for sponsoring this post!